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Lean Six Sigma to Impact Public Schools
Dublin City School District superintendent Todd Hoadley believes that if the business side of the district can find ways to be more efficient and save money, there will be more funds available for use in the classroom. According to a report in Ohio’s Dublin Villager, the superintendent is seeking a $750,000 grant that would, in part, be used to train some of the district employees in the practices of Lean Six Sigma. He’d like to use the money that the district saves by implementing these practices in order to provide new high school course offerings as well as math and literacy coaches for the elementary aged students.
Hoadley said that business staff will be the first in the district to receive the Lean Six Sigma training, which he plans to apply to departments such as transportation, food services, custodial, maintenance and secretarial. Ultimately, he’d also like to have teaching staff that is also trained in Lean Six Sigma and even envisions having students learn some of the practices — something he believes would be a benefit to Dublin graduates. He says even if the district doesn’t obtain the grant funding from a state initiative called Straight A, the Lean Six Sigma training will still take place. It will just happen at a slower pace than he hopes.
Lean Six Sigma can help any business, whether in the public or private sector, to provide its services in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. Whether you’re part of the administrative staff of a public school district, the CFO of a major corporation, or the owner of a small business, these practices can work for you.
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