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Why Statistical Knowledge in Lean Six Sigma Certification is Crucial for Success
Lean Six Sigma isn’t just about tools; it’s a data-driven mindset rooted in statistical knowledge. Learn how mastering statistics fuels sustainable improvements and success in Lean Six Sigma projects.
It’s Time to Ditch Process Capability Indices
Process capability indices (PCI) have long been popular with many quality professionals. But they’ve also been controversial and a number of reputable experts have advocated that they be abandoned.[1] I tend to agree. Maybe it’s time to ditch process capability indices. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly of PCIs. The Ugly of PCIs…
Internal Learning Systems: Allowing Staff to Lead Quality Improvement Efforts
Embarking upon improving quality within large companies is an overwhelming task. While turning to consultants, implementing support software programs, or looking to management may be the initial impulse, recent efforts have shown that turning to staff for leadership in quality improvement endeavors may be the better option. Letting Hospital Staff Lead Quality Improvement Efforts One…
Communication and Documentation as a Way To Improve Outpatient Care When Quality Falls Short
In recent years there has been a rise in outpatient malpractice lawsuits and awards. According to the American Medical Association from June the 15th study, over 10,000 malpractice claims were filed, and 43% of the applications were from outpatient care. Since the 2009 study, the number of reported incidents has increased. Which begs the question…
Cyclical Action Learning: The Key to Developing an Effective Continuous Improvement Culture
Even the best intentions and methods for continuous improvement culture can easily fail if you fail to consider and understand how adults in your organization learn. Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in the field of adult learning, identified several principles that are critical to all adult learning: Simply stated, adults learn best when they can see…
Advancement Against All Odds
According to the Harvard Business Review, “Over the last 50 years, the average lifespan of S&P 500 companies has shrunk from around 60 years to closer to 18 years.” Additionally, a National Association of Manufacturers study stated that employee benefits, tax rates, regulatory requirements, tort litigation, and energy created a 22% disadvantage. Unfortunately, while small-…
4 Steps to Organize for Success
When business problems arise, most turn to process redesign as opposed to organizational redesign. Why? First, because process redesigns are poorly informed, poorly planned, and poorly performed. Second, because the accepted business tool set is geared toward process improvement. But that is not the only way: organizational performance depends integrally on organizational design. And your…
Research Center Benefits from Process Improvements
In an effort to eliminate waste, save money, and improve overall business processes, the Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) has implemented Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) measures that include Lean Six Sigma and Value Engineering tools. The research center has benefited greatly from these process improvement measures, ultimately improving service to its aviation…