If you and your company have invested in Lean Six Sigma training, you’ll want to ensure that the Lean Six Sigma program is implemented effectively into your company culture.  Otherwise, you run the risk of obtaining less-than-optimal results.  Fortunately, there are several strategies available for implementing Lean Six Sigma Effectively.  Here are a few top Lean Six Sigma implementation strategies:

Set Specific Goals

What are your company’s reasons for implementing Lean Six Sigma strategies?  Your company likely has specific reasons for implementing Lean Six Sigma strategies and training employees in Lean Six Sigma techniques.  In order for a Lean Six Sigma program to be successful, these reasons need to be clearly stated, and specific, corresponding goals should be articulated.

Start With a Strategy

What is your company’s strategy for implementing Lean Six Sigma?  Will Lean Six Sigma programs be focused on a few aspects of the business?  On all aspects?  At a corporate level, or at specific local levels?  How will employees be engaged and recognized during the process?  What challenges will need to be overcome?  Starting with a strategy will keep your Lean Six Sigma program on track and help overcome obstacles on the way.

Make Progress Measurable

Progress markers need to be specific and measurable, rather than vague and subjective.  Will Lean Six Sigma improvements be measured in increased profits?  Less materials wasted?  Faster production times?  Having measurable progress allows your company to assess whether your goals are being met.

Recognize Employees

Employees are essential to successful Lean Six Sigma implementation.  Focus on recognizing employees who step up to challenges, act as leaders, or make progress in the Lean Six Sigma program.  Recognizing employees builds morale and keeps employees engaged in the Lean Six Sigma implementation.

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