New research from Australia has revealed Lean reductions in ED waiting times and improved patient flow. According to an article from Pulse It Magazine, a paper will soon be published by the International Journal of Human Resource Management that will show the results of the multi-university study that implemented Lean Six Sigma techniques in hospital emergency departments. Here are some of the findings.

  • Implementing LSS in hospitals is more challenging than in manufacturing — the industry where the methodology of Lean Six Sigma got its start — but once implemented, it improves the patient flow from emergency departments to hospital beds.
  • Once Lean Six Sigma was deployed, it also allowed the hospital to open more beds and to install new software that monitors bed availability.
  • Improvements in the discharge process were also found through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma through the opening of more rehabilitation beds.
  • The use of Lean Six Sigma was found not only to reduce patient wait times through a more efficient admission and assessment process, but also to reduce the workload and stress on staff.

Time and time again, research has shown that Lean Six Sigma is not just a concept for manufacturing, but one that can be adapted to every industry. Beyond the research, though, is the real life success that companies have found in reducing inefficiencies, cutting costs, improving their processes, and ultimately improving their products and services for their customers.

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