The Pyzdek Institute was founded by Thomas Pyzdek, author of The Six Sigma Handbook, as a way to train and certify employees in the Six Sigma process. With a wide range of offerings, the Pyzdek Institute is a great resource for companies that want a more cohesive process.

About Six Sigma

Six Sigma business techniques developed by Bill Smith while he worked at Motorola. These processes improve production and reduce problems throughout a corporation, and many major companies make use of the ideas. There are different levels of training, named after the belts used in karate.

How Six Sigma Helps Companies

Companies that use Six Sigma benefit because they have a distinct process that each product or project goes through from start to finish. When everyone in the company undergoes Six Sigma training it gives everyone a common language to use when talking about work. Six Sigma training also helps to define the roles of different individuals in the company.

Get Training from The Pyzdek Institute

Whether you are thinking about implementing Six Sigma in your company or already use the model and need to train new employees, The Pyzdek Institute can help. Employees can take online courses to learn the basics. We also offer live training programs that allow your workers more personal interaction with our trainers. This is the best solution for those who are looking to implement Six Sigma. Best of all, those who go through our training programs earn certification. Alternatively, have one of our experts consult with you during those times when you need a bit of extra help using the Six Sigma method.

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