When Jack Welsh, the great CEO of General Electric (GE), declared that GE will be a Six Sigma company who could have imagined he was starting a Six Sigma revolution. Jack Welch took over GE and quickly released that the business did not have any quality management systems. Welch began quality improvements with the Work-Out Process. Work-Out fostered the idea of boundary-less learning throughout GE, breaking down artificial barriers between work groups so that everyone could pursue the same goals. These goals were to drive the organization forward, and that everyone would share in the rewards of the success.

From Work-Out to Six Sigma

The success of Work-Out provided the winning rationale for Welsh to choose Six Sigma as a quality business building strategy. He used Six Sigma to embed quality processes at every level of all operations globally. Jack Welch says, “Work-Out defined how we behave, Six Sigma defines how we work and has set the stage for making our customers feel Six Sigma.”

Six Sigma and General Electric

All General Electric employees participate in Six Sigma training. The goal is to provide incentives and opportunities that allow employees to focus their energies and talents to satisfy customer needs. General Electric provides their employees the following areas of training:

  • Six Sigma Essential Training.
  • Black Belt Training.
  • Green Belt Training.
  • Six Sigma Design Training.

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