Six Sigma Training has been around since the 1980’s and continues to gain popularity with businesses looking to reduce variability and waste in production. Many employers look for resumes that include Six Sigma Training when hiring.

Thomas Pyzdek took the concepts of Six Sigma, and Lean, and created a training system for each, and a combination of the two. This training is available worldwide in an online version. Research indicates online training is an effective delivery systems with unique benefits. If you are considering enrolling in a Lean, Six Sigma, or a Lean Six Sigma course, here are six things you should know.

  1. ASQ (The American Society for Quality) conducted a salary survey in December 2011. The study verified that certified Six Sigma Black Belts earn about $16,500 more per year than their non-certified counterparts.
  2. You will have to commit your time, not just your money, to this process. Most people can complete the online course work in about 180 hours.
  3. While there are levels to Six Sigma–White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt– you do not have to proceed through the belt levels. You can enroll in and complete the Black Belt level with no prerequisites.
  4. The Pyzdek Institute requires no educational requirements for enrollment in the Six Sigma classes; although they recommended that you have a passing grade in high school algebra.
  5. The differences between Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training and Six Sigma Black Belt training is an additional ten training modules. These Lean modules provide the understanding of how value flows throughout a system.
  6. The Pyzdek Institute awards three individual certificates. Bronze for completing the training, Silver for passing the exam, and Full Certification when you complete a real-world project. Many employers prefer you to complete your project with them. These certification options allow you to complete your training and exams, before completing a project with the employer of your choice.

Beware! Not all online training is good training. When you are seeking an online source for your Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma training, enroll with a training company that has proven success, The Pyzdek Institute.

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